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Two/Three Needle Pine Development and Refining Course (Year-long course)

This course comprises of four session, each priced individually. 

Bonsai Mujo’s Two/Three needle pine management course is a yearlong classroom based educational experience that combines theory and practice. It is made up of four (4) hands-on sessions that will include theoretical/technical input. It will begin with the first session in the autumn/winter and end in the autumn/winter.

Participants can either bring their own pine tree to work on, purchase one or borrow one from the nursery for the day's workshop. Please note that a tree is not provided as part of the course. 

Below are the four sessions. Participants, however, register for each session individually.

Session 1 Autumn/Winter (First time participant for this session will be given a Japanese pine tweezers to keep & aluminium wire to be used during the session)

Cost: $245.00 (includes lunch and refreshments) 

Duration: approximately 5.5 hours

The session will focus on the following areas:

a) Growth habit of the genus pinus and its application to bonsai culture;

b) Pine styling (theory) – assessing different areas of the tree to aid styling - each tree will receive individual styling input;

c) Autumn work for pines – old and new needle removal, selection of buds and secondary branches, detailed wiring of the whole tree;

d) Pine maintenance during the growing and dormant seasons (watering, feeding, pruning, etc.)

e) Pine bonsai culture.

Those who sign up for this autumn/winter session will be given a pair of professional Japanese pine bonsai tweezers (Kaneshin brand) specially designed for pine needle work.


Each participant will also have for use an unlimited supply of aluminum wire from 1mm to 7 mm required for styling your pine bonsai/pre-bonsai during the day's workshop.


Session 2 Repotting Culture (includes potting media to be used to repot your pine during the session)

Cost: $215.00 (includes lunch and refreshments)

Duration: approximately 4.5-5 hours

1. In-class intensive tutorial and group discussion of the following issues:

a) Potting media and their effects on pine bonsai cultivation depending on stage of growth and plan for the tree;

b) Benefits of mycorrhiza/mycelium culture on pine growth/health vis-à-vis pot choice/potting media.

c) Feeding pines according to stage of growth and plan for next

2. Actual repotting of your pine (pot preparation, root selection, pot position, securing the tree, potting media)

The in-class tutorial will involve discussion on aspects of pine cultivation that participants may have read about or previously practiced. The purpose if to clarify certain techniques/ideas and suggest some tried and tested practices that are suitable for Adelaide’s climate.


Session 3 Summer Shoot Pruning

Cost: $155.00 (includes lunch and refreshments)

Duration: approximately 4.5-5 hours

This session will cover the essentials of shoot/candle pruning, and the theory behind the practice.

This is an indispensable session as the work done here will follow from the previous autumn/winter session and will determine what needs to be done for the upcoming autumn/winter session.

Participants will be doing the pruning of their trees under the guidance of the instructor.

Participants will be taught how to assess the tree based on its strong, medium and weak areas, and how to prune in order to gain the maximum benefit from the overall feeding programme discussed during Session 2.


Session 4 (includes aluminium wire to be used during the session)

Cost: $245.00 (includes lunch and refreshments)

Duration: approximately 5.5 hours

This session will round up the pine course for the year. Participants will carry out essentially the same work as the previous Autumn's work.


This time, they would be able to see the progress of their tree in one year, and design a future plan for the tree to take it to the next stage of development.

The session will revisit the following areas:

a) Growth habit of the genus pinus and its application to bonsai culture;

b) Pine styling (theory) – assessing different areas of the tree to aid styling - each tree will receive individual styling input;

c) Autumn work for pines – old and new needle removal, selection of buds and secondary branches, detailed wiring of the whole tree;

d) Pine maintenance during the growing and dormant seasons (watering, feeding, pruning, etc.)

e) Pine bonsai culture.

Each participant will also have for use an unlimited supply of aluminum wire from 1mm to 7 mm required for styling your pine bonsai/pre-bonsai during the day's workshop.

Note: The course has been structured as individual sessions to cater for the different commitments participants might have. However, participants who sign up for the entire course will be given the benefit of additional consultation sessions at no extra charge.


Please register by sending an email to and by quoting the session (eg Pine Course Session 1) 

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